Moving to the Next Level: Manage Artworks Like an Expert

Moving to the Next Level: Manage Artworks Like an Expert

Even a newbie can hone their skill to manage artworks if they are disciplined enough. Here are the main tips to streamline your efforts.

A desire to manage artworks on your own usually doesn’t require extensive education or a thorough understanding of professional art-collectin

g practices. In fact, it all boils down to organization and discipline, as well as being well-versed with modern technology and software tools. Here are some vital tips that can elevate your art collection management skills and expertise to a new level without overstretching yourself.

How to Manage Artworks in a More Organized Way?

At the heart of well-organized art management lies your ability to document everything meticulously and accurately. Cataloging and documentation are your major tools for keeping track of the entire collection, regardless of how large it grows with time. Don’t postpone cataloging until the moment you can’t recollect how many art objects you have; it’s always much easier to start small and develop the cataloging skill by the moment you need it.

We recommend creating a standardized inventory management system that will include the artist’s name, title, and the art object’s dimensions, along with the purchase details and provenance data, all put in one place. It also makes sense to supplement your catalog entry with exhibition history and condition reports for the fullness of data.

You’re sure to benefit from using digital tools, such as Artlogic or ArtBinder, to digitize the existing records of every art item in your collection. A digital catalog is also a vital backup you may need in certain cases, such as a flood or a fire that may destroy all physical records.

Finally, your important contribution to the inventory’s accuracy and completeness is a set of high-quality images of each art object. These documentation aspects will serve you well for insurance purposes and will guarantee much simpler and quicker appraisal procedures.

Storage and Maintenance Tips

While inventory and cataloging are the cornerstones of your management procedures, proper art storage also guarantees that your art collection stays intact and doesn’t lose its financial value. You need to either equip an internal storage room where you can keep environmental conditions under thorough control (68-720F and 40-50% humidity) or choose a well-equipped, safe storage facility you can trust.

Maintenance of art deserves a separate mention, as it is your primary input in the conservation of art objects. As an owner of unique, irreplaceable cultural heritage, you have to assume responsibility for regular condition checks and artwork cleaning, which may prevent unnoticed deterioration and inform timely restoration measures. You may also hire professional conservators who will repair and restore art objects when necessary.

As you can see, it doesn’t take too much effort or knowledge to manage artworks on a decent level. The only thing you need to keep in mind is discipline and care for the art objects you own. The rest is a matter of common sense and assistive technology.