Secure and Seamless: Key Criteria for Art Storage Services

Secure and Seamless: Key Criteria for Art Storage Services

When choosing among providers of art storage services, you should check several vital dimensions of top-tier and safe storage spaces.

Not all art storage services are designed equal. Some storage companies only claim to guarantee full safety and intactness for your valuable property; yet, in reality, they don’t check the majority of points on the quality checklist. Now, what should you check to be fully confident that your artwork will be kept in proper conditions?

Secure and Seamless: Key Criteria for Art Storage Services

Here are a couple of criteria without which storage can’t be suited for delicate and vulnerable fine art.

#1 Climate Control

Fine art doesn’t stand extreme environmental fluctuations and can quickly deteriorate in excessively low or high temperatures. Humidity is also disastrous for delicate art, especially prints and paintings, which can get irreversibly spoilt as a result of humidity impacts. That’s why climate control is key in any fine art storage unit; it is essential to keep the conditions stable at around 50% relative humidity and 700F temperature. These are optimal settings for most artwork types, which can ensure safe long-term storage without risks.

#2 Security Systems

It’s impossible to overestimate the significance of security when it comes to expensive, rare artwork. That’s why a storage facility should have an advanced security system, giving access only to authorized staff and monitoring the whole storage space 24/7 for theft prevention. Art storages are also equipped with flood and fire prevention systems so that artworks don’t get damaged during an emergency.

#3 Safe, Professional Equipment

Last but not least, a professional fine art storage facility should have the full range of equipment and tools for moving heavy art and placing it safely in the storage space. This is a mandatory requirement for safe, expert-level handling of art objects of different types, from sculpture to mixed media art. The art storage staff should be able to manage your property with due caution and attention to detail, thus preventing its damage.

Keep Your Artwork in a Truly Safe Place

If you’re a safety-cautious art owner considering art storage services, we can recommend our new storage facility in Manhattan, which complies with all of the criteria discussed above. It will keep your property in optimal temperature and humidity conditions, immune to direct light and sunlight, and fully protected from thieves and natural disasters. Contact us today to learn more about it and discuss optimal storage terms with our Operations Office representatives. We’ll be happy to welcome your valuable possessions in our safe local storage.