What Can a Professional Art Collection Manager Help You With?

What Can a Professional Art Collection Manager Help You With?

Art collection management is a complicated process that you can hardly handle alone. Here’s what you can delegate to a collection manager.

Owning an art collection is equally pleasing and challenging. As your collection expands, you may find it hard to organize all management activities on your own, without wasting too much of your personal time. In this situation, you need to plan everything wisely and single out the things you know little about. This is when you may need to hire a professional collection manager.

What Can an Art Collection Manager Help You With?

Here are several niches of narrowly specialized activities that you will hardly address without expert assistance.

Professional Conservation and Preservation

Paintings and other types of fine art require professional care and conservation, which prolong their lives and guarantee their intactness to natural deterioration. Thus, you should have a qualified expert by your side to monitor the condition of the items in your collection, plan all conservation activities, and make sure they are executed with due care and delicacy.

Budgeting and Financial Planning

Besides, it is important to have a financially capable and educated person by your side, who will oversee the budget for collection management services, acquisitions, shipping costs, and insurance. You should also prepare accurate financial reports to tax agencies in your country and keep your investors informed about the financial flows of the collection.

Legal Compliance Issues

Art ownership entails many legal nuances, especially if you buy or sell artwork overseas and have to ship valuable pieces of art across borders. All your belongings should come with full documentation packages to avoid legal troubles. If you’re new to the legal side of art collection management, consult a specialist with relevant knowledge and skills to make all procedures compliant with your jurisdiction’s laws.

Emergency Preparedness

Fine art is highly vulnerable to calamities and emergencies. A flood or a fire may destroy your invaluable collection or cause irreparable damage to it. Even a prolonged period of power outage can cause irreversible deterioration in some delicate art objects. That’s why you need to hire an expert in disaster planning and crisis management, who will assess your space and coordinate a quick response plan with relevant emergency services.

With this information at your fingertips, you’re sure to plan your art management activities much more wisely. Don’t try to do everything alone, as you may be lacking specialized knowledge in some narrow yet important aspects, such as professional conservation, legal issues, or emergency response. Let a professional collection manager help you organize all activities to enjoy the pleasure of art collection ownership to the fullest.