Things You Often Ignore When You Move Antique Furniture

Things You Often Ignore When You Move Antique Furniture

Your apartment is also a vital personal asset you have to protect accordingly when you move antique furniture and large-scale objects.

Most people talk only about comprehensive protection of their precious belongings when they move antique furniture and objects. However, the process of furniture transportation from one living space to another or even moving it across the apartment or house is tricky and connected to many risks. Here’s a brief account of measures you can take to protect your other belongings and the apartment itself as soon as you need to move antique furniture.

Things to Consider When You Move Antique Furniture

Moving large objects from one place to another, even if it’s a short distance within your house, may turn into an unexpectedly hard and messy task without proper preparation. Here are the main points to consider when planning such a project.

Door Measurements

Measure the door frames 2-3 times to be perfectly sure that your object will fit every frame it needs to go through. If you calculate the doorframe width incorrectly, you’re guaranteed nicks and scratches when trying to squeeze the object through the frame it exceeds. The consequences may be catastrophic both for the frame and the furniture item, so why take these risks?

High-Traffic Point Protection

Professional furniture movers know that there are some high-traffic points in every apartment. These points are the locations where most of the furniture movement will inevitably occur multiple times. Your task is to protect those physical areas, such as wall corners, banisters, and railings. These elements can be damaged by tiny careless moves during furniture moving and can also cause scratches and bumps on your antique objects.

The best way to minimize the risks is to cover these high-traffic areas with bubble wrap or flattened cardboard. Walls can also be covered with cardboard fixed with painter’s tape that doesn’t harm the wall paint.

Flooring Protection

Your floor may also be damaged by large antique objects during shipping, as their sharp angles or posts can scratch the surface. You can avoid these troubles by covering the flooring with flattened cardboard and fixing it with tape.

Professional Antique Movers

It’s always vital to partner with reliable, experienced professionals who know how to manage and move antique objects. Even if you’re moving a large cupboard from one room to another, professional help will help make the process painless and easy for you. Fine Art Shippers can complete your antique furniture preparation for shipment at any distance, handling all objects with the care and delicacy they require.