The World Biking Odyssey of Somen Debnath

In 2004, Somen Debnath decided to contribute to HIV/AIDS Awareness Programme and arranged a biking odyssey to warn people about the devastating virus.

Have you ever asked yourself how much you can do for the world you live in? For example, can you do something to stop HIV and AIDS? Did you know that even today many people around the globe are unaware of this mortal danger crawling nearby? In 2004, the Indian activist Somen Debnath decided to contribute to HIV/AIDS Awareness Programme and arranged a world biking odyssey to warn people about the possible consequences of this devastating virus infection. His great deeds deserve your attention, as his global mission is a force for good!

Somen Debnath’s world biking odyssey as an act of humanity


Somen Debnath was born and raised in Basanti, India. At the age of 14, he read the article “AIDS is Deadlier than Cancer,” which greatly influenced the thinking and later the whole life of the boy. Ever since then, Somen Debnath has embarked on exploring HIV/AIDS issues and spreading the word to millions of people. The Indian well-doer decided to carry out his mission through world exploration, which made his trip known as biking odyssey.

The primary goal of Somen Debnath is to increase people’s awareness of HIV/AIDS. His program consists of lectures dedicated to the global problems caused by the virus. A focus is put on underprivileged poor people, as well as urban/rural and tribal populations worldwide since these layers of society are considered to have the lowest awareness level.

In addition to the public awareness campaign, Somen Debnath’s world odyssey is meant to stimulate charity activity. It comprises all kinds of charity work, including the organization of workshops, seminars, cultural events, and promotion of other HIV/AID programs in all the countries that the activist visits. As of today, Somen Debnath has already reached 157 countries, and yet there is still much to be done as he is planning to cover 191 countries until the end of 2020, traveling 200,000km and reaching nearly 20 million people overall. At Fine Art Shippers, we sincerely believe that Somen Debnath will succeed in his amazing biking odyssey, and we wish all the luck to this brave Indian activist.