How to Handle and Clean a Porcelain Doll

How to Handle and Clean a Porcelain Doll

If you are a dedicated porcelain doll collector, check out our blog for some handling and cleaning tips that might well come in handy.

Just like any other collectibles, valuable porcelain dolls require proper care. With a little attention and effort, you will be able to maintain their good quality and ensure they will last a lifetime. In this blog post, we will cover some important things you need to know about the proper handling and cleaning of porcelain dolls, which will help you keep them in good condition. If you are a dedicated porcelain doll collector, this information will definitely come in handy.

Tips for handling a porcelain doll

1. If you are a lucky owner of antique dolls, be sure to store them in their original boxes or ventilated containers.

2. Do not lay your dolls right on a table when dressing or cleaning them. Lay them on a towel to protect your valuables from smudges and dirt.

3. Delicate and fragile antique porcelain dolls should be handled with great care and attention to detail. Always wear clean white cotton gloves when handling them.

4. Take care of your doll’s hair. Brush it with a wire brush and detangle it with a hair-detangling pick if needed. However, do not brush the curly hair, as it can get ruined.

Tips for cleaning a porcelain doll

1. Remove the stains on your doll using gentle detergent diluted in water. A mix of baking soda and water can also be an option, but try it on the doll’s hidden part first.

2. Use a dry cloth to wipe the porcelain and a Q-tip to clean the doll’s nose, ears, mouth, and other places that are hard to reach.

3. Be sure to regularly dust your dolls with a large, soft paintbrush or a feather duster. Simple dusting can help avoid a deep cleaning in the future.

4. If you are not sure how to properly clean your doll or if it has some cracks, consider taking it to a specialized repair store or cleaning service. Otherwise, you risk damaging your collectibles.

Hopefully, these simple handling and cleaning tips will help you preserve your porcelain doll collection for years to come. Good luck!