Fine Art Shippers Offers Custom Auction Shipping Service in Detroit

Fine Art Shippers Offers Custom Auction Shipping Service in Detroit


Fine Art Shippers gladly offers its custom auction shipping service in Detroit. And we often ship fine art and antiques from DuMouchelles.

In a world where fine art, designer furniture, and collectibles make up an important part of people’s lives, a high-quality auction shipping service is worth its weight in gold. On our art blog, you can find out about many amazing auction houses where we pick art for our clients. Today, we want to add one more incredible company to that list. You must have heard about DuMouchelles, one of the most prominent teams of auctioneers based in Detroit, Michigan. The good news is that Fine Art Shippers is glad to offer its services to every auction buyer and seller in Detroit.

Auction Shipping Service for Buyers and Sellers at DuMouchelles

DuMouchelles Art Galleries was founded back in 1927. Headquartered in the Renaissance Center in Downtown, it has always been an indispensable part of local and international marketplaces. First and foremost, the company is famous for its personalized approach to clients who wish to buy or sell fine objects across the country. Among other positive sides of the auction house, one must note the selection of rare items spanning many categories. From paintings to glass artworks, DuMouchelles holds the status of a successful auction company on a national and international level.

At Fine Art Shippers, we have been picking up works of fine art and antiques from different auction houses. DuMouchelles Art Galleries is no exception. We often visit Detroit in Michigan and enthusiastically provide our custom auction shipping service to clients who need such help. If you plan to take part in the company’s auctions, our help will be very much to the point. We can guarantee the safety and integrity of any item that you want to purchase or sell at an auction.

If you have any additional questions or want to request our auction shipping service, contact Fine Art Shippers today and find out everything you want to know!