Differences Between Professional and Amateur Painting Installation

Differences Between Professional and Amateur Painting Installation

There is so much more to painting installation than just hanging up a frame. So, what sets apart an art installation expert from an amateur?

Have you ever hammered a nail in a wall? Maybe you have even hung a picture using the said nail? Congratulations, that means you have tried your hand at art installation. Of course, you probably should not go around telling people about your professional experience installing art. The thing is, there is so much more to painting installation than just hanging up a frame. Professional installers play an important part in the art industry, and their job is highly responsible. So, what sets apart an art installation expert from an amateur?

Differences Between Professional and Amateur Painting Installation

On the one hand, amateur art installation is not necessarily bad or low-quality. In fact, many people have installed paintings in their homes at least once, using the simplest tools, without the need to fix anything. Admittedly, a nail and a string are not the worst things to happen to a work of art. But that unembellished approach is only suitable for at-home settings (and even then, it is sometimes not enough).

On the other hand, professional painting installation is much more secure than amateur one. Not only is it performed by experienced professionals, but the tools and techniques used in professional art installation are more advanced. Paintings at art galleries and museums are extremely valuable and require additional protection. Moreover, art venues typically use a combination of various art installation systems to create a dynamic and flowing feel in the exhibition space. Expert art installers are well-versed in all of them and can suggest which system is better suited for which piece. In addition, not only do art installers deal with paintings — their expertise covers installations, hanging sculptures, and more.

Now that we have compared professional and amateur painting installation, the differences between the two are apparent. But that does not mean there is no way to properly install a canvas in your home and get the museum-level experience. Many art collectors and art lovers enlist installation services from specialized companies.

Professional Art Installation by Fine Art Shippers

Fine Art Shippers is happy to provide you with the best quality services possible. Our team will install your valuable artworks quickly and efficiently, in full accordance with your requirements and instructions. Contact us today to start working with professional art handlers as soon as possible.