Artwork Storage: Rules and Recommendations

Artwork Storage: Rules and Recommendations

In this article, you will learn about the conditions necessary for proper artwork storage and how to provide them.

Everybody knows that different pieces of art need special storage conditions. Many of them are exposed in museums because ordinary people just don’t have an opportunity to provide professional artwork storage. However, if you have some artworks and want to keep them safe, it is important for you to know how to handle them properly. In this article, you will learn about the conditions necessary for proper artwork storage and how to provide them.

The Main Rules of Safe Artwork Storage

The main factors influencing artwork storage are temperature, humidity, and light. Let us explain how each of these factors affects artworks and discuss how to organize good storage conditions for your paintings.


It is necessary to maintain a stable temperature in the room where paintings are exposed. Different materials such as oil, watercolors, etc. need different temperatures but in general, the temperature in the room should be from 18°С to 22°С. This temperature is comfortable for many people as well, so it will be simple for you to maintain it. You should remember that the rapid temperature drop is harmful to all paintings; therefore, ensure that the temperature in the room where your artwork is kept is stable. Moreover, you should protect paintings from draught. Do not place paintings near electric heating elements or air conditioners because they may adversely affect the precious items. In addition, avoid placing artworks near a fireplace or other sources of open fire because soot and smoke may damage frames and canvas.


Bright light adversely affects paintings as well. This is true for both natural and artificial light. Therefore, make sure your artworks are placed away from any sources of light (please avoid direct sunlight and artificial light from fluorescent or incandescent lamps). From the point of view of safety, LED lamps are the best choice for artworks because they have no harmful effects. However, you need to remember that LED light makes colors look different, so your painting may look less impressive. The best way to save your artworks from the harmful influence of bright light is to use special non-reflective glass with UV-resistant coating. In this case, natural and different types of artificial light will not damage your pieces of art.


Humidity also affects paintings significantly, especially watercolors. So, you should remember that the air in the room with paintings should not be too dry or too humid.

Given these requirements, it is sometimes much easier to use reliable artwork storage services to protect your precious items. For example, you may organize artwork storage with the help of professionals from the Fine Art Shippers company.