Art Hanging Systems Used by the Best New York Art Installers

Art Hanging Systems Used by the Best New York Art Installers

Let’s find out which popular artwork hanging systems are used by the best New York art installers and what is the difference between them.

Did you know that there is more than one way to install art? Of course, in an at-home setting, you will probably opt for something familiar and easy, like hammering a hook into a wall and hanging a painting on it. But professional art handlers have way more in their arsenal than just that. The thing is, art installation experts often have to deal with artwork that requires special security measures. Let’s learn about some art hanging systems the best New York art installers use in their work.

Art Hanging Systems Used by the Best New York Art Installers

Wall systems

Wall systems are something everyone is familiar with, regardless of their art handling experience. The name of this art hanging system is pretty self-explanatory. To put it simply, a track, which looks like a bar with rods and hooks hanging off from it, is installed on a wall. Then, framed or stretched art pieces are attached to the hooks. It is crucial to be mindful of the artwork’s weight when you hang it up using this system because several heavy pieces on one rod might be too much for it to handle. But do not worry — this art installation system is very secure and is one of the most widely used systems by New York art installers..

Ceiling systems

Similarly to the wall systems, these systems are set up using tracks, hooks, and rods. If the walls in an exhibition space are not perfectly straight or there is no more free space, this option is a way to go.

Built-in systems

While the two previous art hanging systems have visible tracks, built-in systems are almost invisible. They are a perfect solution if you want a seamless look because the rods used in this type of system are installed along the line where the wall meets the ceiling, making them impossible to spot.

Tensioned systems

Like other art hanging systems, tensioned systems are installed using similar tools but with a different approach. To set up a tensioned hanging system, you need to attach two piers to two points (for example, the ceiling and the floor) and then connect them to the artwork. They are pretty versatile and can be used to mount 3D objects.

Many different kinds of art hanging systems exist, so it might be difficult to find the one that suits your situation best. Thankfully, professional New York art installers can help you with that.