5 Signs a Blue-Chip Gallery Is for You

5 Signs a Blue-Chip Gallery Is for You

A blue-chip gallery is where art gets fossilized. If you wonder whether you need to buy art there, check the following signs to find out.

Everyone loves aesthetics, but not every person is ready to invest money in it, especially when you are someone with a limited budget. However, the desire to obtain the items and make them yours may be overwhelming, and, as a result, you finally give up and accept the gift of luxurious pleasure right from a blue-chip gallery. Speaking of exotic and expensive artworks, it is vital to understand whether “highbrow” canvases and sculptures are designed to melt your heart or not. Below we talk about some signs that might well indicate that this particular form of investment is for you.

5 Signs a Blue-Chip Gallery Is for You

1. You like it to be crispy new

Original art feels special. Just imagine that you are the only owner of a painting/sculpture that was touched by the artist’s hand. It might make you feel privileged in some way and give you a sense of responsibility for the object.

2. You are a passionate collector pursuing your own aims

If collecting is the great work of your life, and you are ready to go to great lengths to get what you need for your collection, then a blue-chip gallery is definitely your comfort zone. Go and get it!

3. Paying big money is not a problem for you

Probably the most palpable difference between standard galleries and blue-chip ones is the average check size. Authentic works by iconic artists cost a fortune, which requires financial flexibility from you.

4. You love the artist you want to support with all your heart

Sometimes it goes deeper than just a love for art. For example, if you love everything René Magritte created, then you also invest in his personality and historical significance, even though he is long dead. That’s an example of investing for a higher purpose.

5. Big investments are your favorite sport

Investing is some sort of gambling because it involves a certain amount of risk you voluntarily take to gain something instead. In terms of a blue-chip gallery, you risk little, as the validity and value of popular art grow with the years.

Investment Takes More Than Just Money

If the signs don’t lie, and each one is about you, then the chances are that you are a born blue-chip gallery goer. But before you purchase Warhol’s portrait of Marylin Monroe or some masterpiece from a Renaissance painter, make sure to invest in a reliable art shipping company that will assist you with the transportation of high-dollar items.