Worst Fine Art Packaging Supplies

Worst Fine Art Packaging Supplies, And What to Use Instead

Are you using the right art packaging supplies? Here is a list of materials you should never use, as well as some good alternatives to them.

Are you preparing to ship your art to a client or, maybe, your new home? Are you sure you are using the right art packaging supplies? We have compiled a list of materials inexperienced people tend to use, and also some superior alternatives to them. Keep reading to find out how to become a pro at packing fine art.

Worst Fine Art Packaging Supplies, And What to Use Instead

Printed paper

Newspaper is cheap and thick, so it seems like an obvious choice for cushioning and filling material. However, when shipping artwork, you have to be careful of any printed paper. The ink from the newspaper can transfer onto your precious piece and ruin it forever. To avoid it, use acid-free archival paper to wrap your artwork.

Packing peanuts

Packing peanuts can be used in some cases, but not always. For example, if you put a ceramic pot into a box filled with packing peanuts, it might slide around and even get stained with the substance packing peanuts are usually covered in. Using bubble wrap to cushion your valuables is a much safer option.

Cheap tape

You should never use cheap tape to pack your art because it is usually weaker and more difficult to apply evenly. It is always better to purchase more expensive and durable packing tape that is made to withstand the challenges of shipping.

Old boxes

It is okay to reuse packaging supplies like cardboard moving boxes on some occasions, but you always have to pay attention to their condition. If you notice any dents and tears, you should most definitely not use them for packaging purposes. Buying a new box is always a better option.

Trash bags

Trash bags can be used to move fabric-based items like regular clothes. However, we are talking about fine art, meaning that even fabric items should not be put into trash bags. A plastic bag will not be able to provide sufficient support and protection to your piece. Use quality art packaging supplies and a sturdy cardboard box instead.

Packing art well on your own is possible, but you should invest in high-quality materials and not try to skimp on the safety of your valuables. If you still need guidance in choosing perfect art packaging supplies for your pieces, do not hesitate to ask your art logistics service provider for help.