Which Trends will Shape Worldwide Shipping in 2018?

Worldwide Shipping

Just like all other industries, shipping worldwide is subject to, and a beneficiary of, shifting trends. Here we explore some of the trends that will define this sensitive shipping industry in 2018. Follow us up to the end to discover how these trends will benefit the sector at large and how you can reap from them.


Tech is the buzzword of this generation, and this year, it will play a significant role in shaping the future of shipping. One of the areas that will be affected by technology this year is the automation of information. For instance, the logistics industry has lagged behind with almost half of bookings being done manually and 50 percent of invoices being suspected to be erroneous. Players in the industry are now waking up to the need to integrate technology and cybersecurity following last year’s Maersk’s cybersecurity attack.

Carrier Consolidation

Another trend that will shape shipping worldwide this year is the advancement of carrier consolidation among players. Even though it reached its apex last year, the best is yet to come since the move has not plateaued.

Finding Solutions for Last-Mile Challenges

The last-mile challenge has been here within the shipping worldwide fraternity for a long time, with industry players looking for the best ways of solving it. The reason why this will be a point of concern to many players is that modern shippers want convenience at any cost. They want to hear a knock on the door with a smiling face handing the goods over to them. As this trend takes shape, it will affect how shippers choose suppliers. If their carriers cannot deliver up to the doorstep, they would migrate to enjoy it. That is why shippers providing air and sea transportation services in the retail market will need to shape up since their customers (retailers) will also follow their customers and avoid carriers who don’t deliver up to the last mile.

Greater Demand for Transparency

Lastly, customers are demanding greater transparency from their carriers. This increased need will lead to a positive perception in the eyes of customers for those companies that provide it.

You are now in touch with the trends that are defining service delivery and operations among shipping worldwide players. We hope you are now better placed to reap your share of benefits.