What Are the Most Common Challenges of Art Gallery Installation?

What Are the Most Common Challenges of Art Gallery Installation?

The organization of an art gallery display is almost just as important as the works of art it features. This is why professional art handlers play a huge role in an art show going successfully. Hanging up a couple of paintings on the wall or putting a sculpture in the middle of the room might seem like nothing complicated at first glance. However, art gallery installation is actually a complex task requiring well-practiced skills and experience. Here are some of the challenges that art handlers have to face when installing artworks for an art show.

What Are the Most Common Challenges of Art Gallery Installation?

Choosing the right tools

Art gallery installation involves a lot of details one must keep in mind to ensure that all artworks are secure and will stay in their place throughout the show. Art handlers always have to consider the features of both the exhibition space, including the condition of the walls, and the works of art, including their weight and size. For example, certain exhibition venues have old and weak walls, meaning that to hang heavy canvases on them, you have to be well acquainted with various types of picture-hanging tools and supplies and their purposes.

Choosing the right spot

Most of the time, art curators will decide where they want pieces of art to go, and then art handles will work with them to find the right solution. However, sometimes, this task has to be handled by professional art installers who assess the gallery space and choose the right display spot based on lighting, the size and weight of the artwork, etc.

Handling heavy and fragile items

To professionally handle massive works of art, you need to have not only muscles but also brains. Art installers often have to deal with pieces that can easily topple over and break if not managed carefully. The same goes for fragile objects that require special care when handled.

Time management

Art gallery installation is a time-sensitive chore. Everything has to be finished in time so that visitors can peacefully enjoy a show to the full. Art handlers are great at time management because they know the entire exhibition depends on them.

Now that you know how difficult the process of art gallery installation can be, it should be obvious why art galleries and museums always opt for the help of art handlers to get the best results.