Visiting “Keith Haring: In Between the Lines” at Guy Hepner

Visiting “Keith Haring: In Between the Lines” at Guy Hepner

Guy Hepner is one of the best-known representatives of dedication and professionalism in the NYC art industry. This full-service gallery holds many audacious exhibitions and shows that reflect the art aficionado sentiment and can assist art dealers, collectors, and artists in their business activities and artwork trades.

At Fine Art Shippers, we are always eager to partake in the events organized by Guy Hepner with taste and an inside-out understanding of the contemporary art heartbeat. Recently, we had the pleasure of visiting “In Between the Lines,” an exhibition of Keith Haring, held by the gallery on May 9-June 14, 2024. With Haring being one of the iconic creative voices of America in the 1980s, this exhibition held much significance for contemporary art appreciators and pop art fans.

Keith Haring, a Contemporary Artist with a Unique Vision

Keith Haring was an American artist famous worldwide for his seemingly simple lines and deeply engaging imagery. He started a career under the mentorship of Andy Warhol and produced a great range of public works in the US subway, in the streets of large cities across the globe, and socially meaningful objects (orphanages, children’s daycare centers, and charities).

Visiting “Keith Haring: In Between the Lines” at Guy Hepner

After the AIDS diagnosis in 1988, the artist established the Keith Haring Foundation to fund AIDS programs and dedicated much of his end-of-life creative work to AIDS education and awareness.

Visiting “Keith Haring: In Between the Lines” at Guy Hepner

“In Between the Lines” at Guy Hepner

“Keith Haring: In Between the Lines” at Guy Hepner featured over 40 items from the artist’s legacy. Many works came from Haring’s iconic Pop Shop (editions from I to VI), containing easily recognizable symbolic imagery of dancing figures, barking dogs, and radiant babies. Other pieces on display included an untitled leather jacket with the iconic Haring imagery and signature, a 1982 drawing for Paris Review, the 1989 Pyramid Yellow, and well-known collages on paper made with gouache and silver paint. The terracotta vase painted with black paint in 1982 and Andy Warhol’s 1986 portrait of Haring on a cotton T-shirt were also presented at the exhibition. Besides, the visitors could see several iconic embossing works by Haring.

Visiting “Keith Haring: In Between the Lines” at Guy Hepner

“In Between the Lines” embraced Haring’s democratic approach to fine art, which served as a bridge between the elite world of art and popular culture. It also managed to reflect an informative dialogue between these two worlds in the turbulent 1980s.