Transporting Artwork to the Heard Museum in Phoenix

Transporting Artwork to the Heard Museum in Phoenix, AZ

Fine Art Shippers had the honor of transporting artwork to the Heard Museum, which is known for its collection of Native American art.

Fine Art Shippers has the pleasure of working with many institutions dedicated to preserving the cultural heritage of Indigenous peoples of America. Arizona, one of the major destinations of our cross-country art shuttle, is largely considered the hub of Native American art, with local museums and art galleries showcasing both historical and contemporary works. The most comprehensive collection of art by Native American artists in the world is housed in the Heard Museum in Phoenix, and Fine Art Shippers had the honor of transporting artwork to this amazing place.

Transporting Artwork to the Heard Museum in Phoenix, AZ

The Heard Museum was founded in 1929 by Dwight and Maie Bartlett Heard in what back then was a small city in the Southwest of the US. Since then, both Phoenix and the Museum have expanded, with the latter becoming a world-class art institution over time. Today, the Heard Museum is a major destination for those who want to learn more about the history of American Indian art in a respectful and accurate way. The Museum prioritizes working closely with Native American artists and tribal communities, forefronting their stories and actively creating an environment for self-expression and learning.

Today, the Heard Museum is a gathering point for the local community. The Museum’s current collection includes an array of paintings, drawings, prints, photography, sculptures, jewelry, and historical artifacts. It successfully presents a diverse and panoramic view of Native American art by combining contemporary art with historical pieces. As an art logistics company that has extensive experience in transporting artwork for museums and art galleries, Fine Art Shippers is thankful for the opportunity to collaborate with an institution like the Heard Museum.

Transporting Artwork to the Heard Museum in Phoenix, AZ

Apart from its outstanding collection, the Museum is known for its outdoor areas where open-air performances and lectures are often held. The Heard Museum regularly hosts public educational events and festivals, which are visited by over 40,000 people annually. For those who would like to get to know the cultures of Native American peoples through a more personal approach, the institution offers an opportunity to participate in traditional crafts.

Transporting Artwork to the Heard Museum in Phoenix, AZ

Fine Art Shippers regularly delivers works of art to Arizona cities. Our cross-country art shuttle usually passes the state on its way from New York to California or from California to New York. If you are interested in transporting artwork to Phoenix, Arizona, or anywhere in the US, go ahead and contact our team to know how we can help you. We look forward to working with you!