The Magic and Mystery of Plein-Air Painting in Vasily Belikov’s Art

The Magic and Mystery of Plein-Air Painting in Vasily Belikov’s Art

The talented Russian artist Vasily Belikov (1922-1994) underwent professional art education in Astrakhan and Penza after serving in the army during World War II. At the age of 40, he was diagnosed with tuberculosis, which diverted his attention from art for some time. However, after surviving the debilitating disease, Vasily committed fully to his artistic endeavors. He participated in numerous national exhibitions and became a member of the prestigious Artists’ Union of the USSR in 1975, which allowed him to become a member of a thriving community of Russian artists. Vasily Belikov’s art has gained critical acclaim from his colleagues and the wider public who particularly admire his in-depth exploration of nature.

Exploring Russian Nature through Plein-Art Painting

When talking about his art, Vasily Belikov liked to emphasize that all his works were autobiographical. By depicting Russian nature, he tapped into his ability to see the world with a child’s eyes. This approach helped him avoid dogmatic techniques and mediocrity, making his plein-air pieces alive with color and movement.

The artist also confided that his aim had always been to keep searching and never give in to the feeling of contentment with his art. To him, this was one of the worst things that could happen to an artist. Belikov’s philosophy of self-criticism and self-awareness undoubtedly contributed to the charm of his art. Blooming with light and color, his oil paintings help the audience immerse themselves in the setting and connect with the feeling rather than what is actually depicted.

The Magic and Mystery of Plein-Air Painting in Vasily Belikov’s Art

Belikov’s plein-air paintings explore nature as it changes from season to season and from mood to mood. His portraits and nature mort pieces also deserve attention due to the artist’s unique ability to communicate the character and mood.

The Magic and Mystery of Plein-Air Painting in Vasily Belikov’s Art

Where One Can Find Vasily Belikov’s Art

The biggest collection of Vasily Belikov’s art is kept in the Penza Regional Art Gallery. His works have also found their way into private art collections in Russia and abroad. They have been sold at art auctions in the USA, Italy, and Ireland. Belikov’s landscape art can be a great addition to any private collection and can still be acquired from his family who continue to celebrate his artistic legacy.

The Magic and Mystery of Plein-Air Painting in Vasily Belikov’s Art

Anyone interested in the work of Vasily Belikov should contact his son, Sergey Belikov, at

Photo courtesy of Sergey Belikov