The Best Way to Store Art: Comparing Home and Professional Storage

The Best Way to Store Art Comparing Home and Professional Storage

What is the best way to store art? This is the question many art lovers ask themselves at the beginning of their art-collecting journey. In general, there are two main options for art storage to choose from. The first is home storage, which entails organizing a suitable space in your home. Another solution is opting for a specialized fine art storage facility. But what is the difference between these two kinds of art storage? Let’s compare them and see which one you should pick.

The Best Way to Store Art: Comparing Home and Professional Storage


At-home art storage 

One of the main advantages of at-home art storage is that your art will always be close by. You might not have art facilities in the town or city where you live, and commuting for hours to check up on your collection can be annoying. Therefore, many people who do not have specialized storage units nearby often opt for home storage.

Organizing an art storage space at home might be convenient, but is it the best way to store art? Keep in mind that to create adequate storage conditions, you will have to invest a large sum of money in making it suitable for your art collection. An art storage space should have climate control, no direct sunlight, and no open vents. You might simply not have a room in your house that fits all the necessary criteria.

Professional art storage

Indeed, some areas do not have art storage facilities. If you are worried about not being able to quickly deliver or collect your art pieces, a faraway facility is not for you. Storing art in a specialized facility might also result in additional expenses like getting art insurance, but only if you have not purchased it previously.

The advantages of art storage units are numerous. For example, you will not have to worry about your art being ruined or mishandled. Art storage facilities work with professional art handlers and have the right equipment to provide a perfect environment for your valuables. In addition, you can free up some space in your home and keep art you are not currently displaying in a storage unit.

To decide on the best way to store art in your specific situation, you need to carefully assess your needs. Both have advantages and disadvantages, so consider your options carefully.