The Best Remote Jobs: 7 Career Options for Creative People (And Not Only)

The Best Remote Jobs 7 Career Options for Creative People

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the popularity of remote jobs has been steadily on the rise. Most people who have tried working from home (or a lovely island far away) don’t want to return to the office—thinking of joining them? Then take a look at this list of the best remote career options. You’re guaranteed to find at least one that suits you.

#1 Writer

Writing isn’t unlike translation in many ways because freelancers who do it have basically endless options and a lot of control over their working time. You can write online content, articles for periodicals, social media posts, books, academic papers—the list goes on and on. And if you want more stability, you can quit freelancing and join one of the writing agencies and work remotely without being a freelancer.

Some people are worried that they don’t have a talent for writing. But that’s not a valid concern—achieving clarity and reader engagement in written texts is a skill you can master with enough self-education and practice. So don’t let self-doubt get in the way of your dreams. Instead, find helpful learning resources online and start working on your writing.

#2 Translator

The career of a translator needs no introduction. It can easily be fully remote and even freelance—it’s your chance to join the ranks of happy couch potatoes or digital nomads. If you want an insight into what translators do, go here and browse a bit to get an idea. You’ll see that there are a lot of facets to translation work, from technical content to children’s stories and beyond. But obviously, you need to be fluent in at least one language besides English.

#3 Graphic Designer (or almost any other designer)

Another industry you can join if you want to build a thriving career from Bali or the comfort of your home is design. You have countless options here. If you want to put your drawing talent to use, consider illustrating. If you have a good eye and tons of creativity but can’t draw, graphic design is a good choice. Enjoy working in teams? Mobile app design is perfect for you.

A great thing about design is that you can switch between remote or freelance work and traditional 9 to 5 office jobs as much as you want. As long as you have an impressive portfolio to show your skills and experience, any individual customer or big company will be happy to hire you.

#4 Software Developer (or another IT professional)

IT is one of the highest-paid industries on this list and in the job market in general. So if income is among your top priorities in a job, consider becoming a software engineer, database architect, application developer, or any other IT professional. The only major downside to this career path is that the learning process can be quite long and challenging.

#5 Career Advice Expert

As the name suggests, a career advice expert is someone who helps people build fulfilling and enjoyable careers. In addition, they help job seekers and workers who consider changing their professional path, feel stuck, or need advice on further career growth. Career consulting can be a remote or in-person job, depending on your preferences.

Career advice experts deserve first place on this list because of how accessible their career path is. You can become a certified professional in career consulting and start helping the global talent pool in just a few months. But first, ensure you have the people skills for the job—empathy and the ability to listen are as important to a career advice expert as knowledge of the job market.

#6 Digital Marketer

Digital marketing is yet another remote work-friendly field where you have dozens of jobs to choose from. SMM is a fantastic option for avid social media users. Job seekers who are interested in both marketing and writing should give email marketing a try. Those who enjoy research and target market analysis are the right fit for positions in market research analytics. The world is your oyster!

The Best Remote Jobs 7 Career Options for Creative People

#7 Project Manager

Finally, project management is an amazing opportunity for everyone with top-notch people skills and a manager’s mindset. It’s a very in-demand job nowadays, and you can make an impressive amount of money, especially if you end up working in tech. Also, if you have the right personality for it, it doesn’t take too long to complete project management training. And you can then switch between different companies and industries to keep things fresh.

An afterword

Nowadays, you can express your creativity almost in any field, even if your area of expertise looks boring at the first glance, as nothing is easier than finding a great remote job. So, if you’re tired of boring small talk in the office canteen or would like to try the digital nomad lifestyle, you easily can. Some of the best remote jobs are career advice expert, translator, writer, software engineer, designer, marketer, and project manager. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.