Should You Crate Art at Home

Should You Crate Art at Home, and What Can Possibly Go Wrong?

Wooden crates are an excellent solution for shipping your artworks. But can you crate art at home, without professional help? Let’s find out!

Fine art crates have proven to be the most reliable method of shipping art locally and internationally. If you need a custom-built wooden crate, you usually turn to professional carpenters specializing in the manufacture of the containers. But can you crate art at home? What difficulties will you encounter, and what can possibly go wrong? Learn why DIY crating is not a safe decision that can make the shipping process so stressful.

Should You Crate Art at Home, and What Can Possibly Go Wrong?

Equipment & materials

The very first problem that you will face is the lack of high-quality materials and specialty equipment. It takes time to get all the necessary resources, so you either need to wait or use what you have close at hand. The latter option is less effective because if you don’t follow the rules, your art packing crate can have dangerous safety issues.

How to build a crate?

What is more challenging is to put your efforts to good use. If you are not a carpenter or have never worked with wood before, the process might take far too long. The results, though, can be not as satisfactory as you hoped them to be. Watching a tutorial video about how to crate art at home doesn’t guarantee you will succeed too.

The biggest problem appears in the process of shipping a crate. Providing that a wooden container is built and labeled right, you cannot say for sure how durable it is in transit. In this case, everything that’s left is to hope for the better.

Answering the question of whether you can crate art at home, yes, you can. Should you do that? Only at your own risk! We believe it is much safer to entrust the process to professional art crating and shipping companies such as Fine Art Shippers. We have been building top-notch art crates for 25 years now. If you need help, we are looking forward to hearing from you!