Services Provided by Professional Fine Art Installation Companies

Services Provided by Professional Fine Art Installation Companies

What services do fine art installation companies provide, and why do they play an essential role in the art industry? Read on to learn more.

Have you ever wondered who puts all those large paintings on the walls of museums or assembles massive installation art in the exhibition venues? None of that would be possible without fine art installation companies. They make sure that all works of art are securely installed and remain in their designated place until it is time to take them down. But is that all those art specialists do? Let’s investigate this question together to find out how you can benefit from working with professional art installers.

Services Provided by Professional Fine Art Installation Companies

Art installation companies never offer a single service. In fact, the very act of art installation is incredibly complex and requires a lot of skill. For example, a work of art needs to be transported to the place of installation. Usually, the fine art logistics company responsible for the installation of artwork also takes care of its transportation. Professionally trained art handlers must carefully load a piece into an art shipping truck and deliver it to the client. It might be right around the corner or in an entirely different part of the country, but the objective stays the same — nothing must happen to the work of art while it is in transit.

But a delicate artwork cannot be just loaded into a truck without any protection. Another service that all art installers provide is packing. Depending on the type of artwork, they choose appropriate packaging materials to make sure that the fragile object can withstand shock and vibration while on the road. Besides, an art handler must know how to build custom-made packaging and correctly calculate its dimensions. For example, if an art shipping crate is too large for the piece, the artwork will move around and get damaged easily.

Now that a work of art has safely arrived at a gallery, art fair, or client’s home, it is time to install it. After carefully unpacking it, art installers use their expert knowledge to find the best way to secure a work of art in its designated place. That process is not easy and should only be conducted by professionals. After all, choosing the wrong installation system or making inaccurate measurements can result in a disaster.

As you can see, fine art installation is not a simple task. Experts in art installation must be jacks-of-all-trades to adequately perform their duties.