Nikolaj Shapovalov – A Self-Taught Artist with an Innate Talent

Nikolaj Shapovalov – A Self-Taught Artist with an Innate Talent


Fine Art Shippers is pleased to introduce Nikolaj Shapovalov, a self-taught artist with an innate talent, who paints what attracts him from the inside.

As a professional fine art shipping company, we have the pleasure of serving many amazing artists with formal education in art and outstanding skills in painting and drawing. We also work with a large number of incredibly talented self-taught artists whose art is a result of their life experience and a reflection of their personality and imagination. Some people simply do not need a traditional education to create great art that will be enjoyed by people around the world. Let’s just remember Frida Kahlo, Grandma Moses, Thornton Dial, and Purvis Young. In this blog post, we want to tell you about another self-taught artist, Nikolaj Shapovalov, whose works deserve the attention of the art community.

A Self-Taught Artist with an Innate Talent

Nikolaj Shapovalov (b. 1981) is a Russian self-taught artist from Saint Petersburg. He did not receive any formal art education, and he is not affiliated with any school of painting. Being an orphan since birth, Nikolaj was limited in his knowledge of the world of people, but his hard life experience eventually led him to become an artist. The young man put all his emotions, feelings, and imagination in painting and drawing, developing his innate talent and creating a whole new world, very special and captivating. Nikolaj Shapovalov paints what attracts him from the inside, always following his intuition and heart.

Nikolaj Shapovalov – A Self-Taught Artist with an Innate Talent Nikolaj Shapovalov – A Self-Taught Artist with an Innate Talent Nikolaj Shapovalov – A Self-Taught Artist with an Innate Talent

While Nikolaj Shapovalov has never studied art formally, his love for the work of such masters as Michelangelo, Auguste Renoir, Claude Monet, and J. M. W. Turner is seen in many of his paintings. Shapovalov’s work is also partially influenced by 19th-century Russian art. Nikolaj honors the heritage of the great artists, but he continues to develop his own style, trying to express his admiration and thoughts through his art. Shapovalov’s paintings are his personal perception of the world, and they are definitely worth your time and attention.