Moving Art Work in NYC: Collectible Porcelain

Moving Art Work in NYC: Collectible Porcelain

Let’s focus on the latter, as porcelain works are some of the most popular collectible items, which can be found in many homes.

Art can take many forms, from graffiti and art installation to paintings, sculptures, and porcelains. In this blog post, let’s focus on the latter, as porcelain works are some of the most popular collectible items, which can be found in many homes.

Shipping fine art is a challenging process; however, when it comes to moving art work made of porcelain, this task becomes even trickier. The fact is that porcelain figurines, dolls, plates, and other items are very fragile and can be easily damaged due to improver handling, packing, and moving. For this reason, we highly recommend everyone to hire a reliable NYC fine art moving company for this job. Moreover, this applies to both modern and vintage pieces, and especially to valuable collections of antique porcelain. After all, only New York antique movers proficient in moving art work of this type can guarantee that your collectibles arrive at their destination without a scratch.

Along with that, it is important to remember that since most collectible porcelain pieces were made for purely decorative purposes, to relocate them without a strong reason is a bad idea. However, it does not mean that you cannot move them around or clean in case of need. You simply have to follow several rules when storing, cleaning, and moving art work made of this delicate ceramic material. Here they are!

  • Clean your porcelain very carefully, using only clean soft-bristled brushes and cotton swabs, or, what is even better, dust it with canned air.
  • Use tepid water when cleaning your vintage porcelain pieces and do not forget to create a safe environment to avoid accidental damage.
  • If you do not want your porcelain plates to get scratched or chipped, use a soft cloth (for example, felt or cotton flannel) to separate them for storage.
  • When it comes to moving art work made of porcelain, always hold it by the main part of its body. Heads, extremities, and handles are usually much more fragile and can be damaged very easily.
  • Handle porcelain pieces with your bare hands in order not to drop any of them in the process.
  • Finally, just like any other piece of art, porcelain requires proper storage conditions, so always control the temperature and humidity levels in the room.

If you need any help with packing or moving art work made of porcelain, Fine Art Shippers is the right place to come for help. Art and antique moving is our specialty, and we guarantee to treat your precious collectibles like our own!