Mastering the Logistics: A Guide to Seamless Delivery of Art Pieces

A Guide to Seamless Delivery of Art Pieces

Art collectors and dealers often have to deal with the delivery of art. They either buy or sell art objects and need to have them safely and professionally shipped to the destination point. In these situations, art shipping companies come into play to execute all packaging, handling, and shipping operations.

Mastering the Logistics: A Guide to Seamless Delivery of Art Pieces

Do you want to understand the entire process of art logistics before embarking on this project? Here is a step-by-step breakdown of activities that make up art delivery logistics.

#1 Artwork Pick-Up

The first stage of art delivery entails artworks collection from your location. A team of professional art handlers will arrive at your place and perform deinstallation according to industry standards and safety guidelines. After that, the items will be safely packed and prepared for further transportation.

#2 Professional Packaging

The most important phase of shipping is comprehensive artwork packaging. Art handlers evaluate the type and condition of each object and choose packaging materials individually for every case. These materials are always acid-free and non-adhesive, which guarantees the intactness of your artwork’s surfaces. If you’re planning an international delivery, the art object will be additionally crated in wood to ensure its sufficient protection from all kinds of damage in transit. Crating is also a vital precondition for international freight insurance coverage.

#3 Art Shipping

Once the object is packed and crated, it’s time to have it shipped. You may choose to ship the artwork by land, sea, or air; it all depends on the distance of travel, your budget, your timing, and the object’s specific dimensions and handling requirements. It is vital to entrust the shipping process to professionals who know how to handle art and can move it from one touchpoint to another with due care.

#4 Delivery and Installation

The final phase of artwork delivery is its arrival at the destination point. Now, it’s either handed to the happy owner or unpacked and installed by a professional team of art handlers.

Working with Fine Art Shippers, you can get full guarantees that delivery of art objects will be properly arranged and scheduled. Our team of expert art handlers organizes all processes with respect to professional shipping guidelines and never exposes your valuable possessions to risks. Contact us today to get top-tier services from art transportation experts.