Fine Art Shippers – US Art Shipping Company Accredited by BBB

Fine Art Shippers – US Art Shipping Company Accredited by BBB

Fine Art Shippers is a BBB accredited US art shipping company with an A+ rating. It means that we meet all BBB Standards for Trust!

Whatever your reason to look for a professional US art shipping company, you want it to be a reliable partner operating with integrity, right? But what does it actually mean? First and foremost, it should be a fully insured, bonded, and licensed company with extensive experience in the field of art logistics. Second, it should meet the industry standards of customer experiences, ethical advertising, and other things that make it a trustworthy business. Finally, it should offer a complete range of services that you may need when shipping artwork.

Fine Art Shippers is a US art shipping company that meets all these requirements, which is confirmed by the fact that our business has been accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB).

Fine Art Shippers – US Art Shipping Company Accredited by BBB

BBB is a non-profit organization aimed at supporting the best business practicing, advancing marketplace trust, setting business standards, and educating both customers and businesses. Being part of the BBB family is an honor for every company and a sign for every customer that this company is operating in a trustworthy manner.

Fine Art Shippers was accredited by BBB over a year ago and since then has been proudly rated as an A+ business, which means that we fully meet all BBB Standards for Trust built on the following eight principles:

  • Build Trust
  • Be Transparent
  • Safeguard Privacy
  • Tell the Truth
  • Advertise Honestly
  • Embody Integrity
  • Honor Promises
  • Be Responsive

Being a BBB accredited business with an A+ rating also means that we are committed to making every effort to resolve any complaints. Customer satisfaction is our top priority, and we always do our best to meet and exceed our clients’ expectations.

Whatever artwork transportation needs you may have, feel free to contact Fine Art Shippers, a professional US art shipping company you can trust!