Fine Art Shippers to Attend the Corporate Partner Event at the PMA

Fine Art Shippers to Attend the Corporate Partner Event at the PMA

Fine Art Shippers is a dedicated Corporate Partner of the Philadelphia Museum of Art (PMA). That’s why an invitation to special donor events is always an exclusive pleasure and privilege for our team. We’re pleased to announce our presence at the large-scale annual Corporate Partner Event held by the PMA for its partners and donors – the Corporate Donor Appreciation Days, which will take place on December 1-4, 2023.

Our Partnership with the PMA

Fine Art Shippers has become a corporate partner of the PMA this year, getting a unique opportunity to contribute to this notable museum’s art promotion and preservation efforts. The Museum has all the reasons to be regarded as unique, with its 240,000+ fine art objects on display and the profound role it plays in the art culture of the USA.

The PMA collection of art treasures is profound, giving visitors an opportunity to embrace various historical epochs and layers of American and global art. From the 19th-century Bengal women’s quilts to exclusive Japanese art objects, the PMA has something in store for art connoisseurs of all preferences and tastes.

One of the PMA’s core missions is to make art accessible to audiences in varied geographical locations. Fine Art Shippers shares this value, providing safe and professional art transportation services across the US and internationally.

The 2023 Corporate Partner Event with Access to the Special Exhibition

All visitors of this winter Corporate Partner Event are given an opportunity to attend the latest Korean art exhibition held at the PMA in partnership with The Pew Center for Arts and Heritage. The exhibition titled The Shape of Time: Korean Art after 1989 offers original perspectives on the past three decades of Korean art development and modern trends.

This art show features a distinct historical layer of South Korean art from artists born between 1960 and 1980, the period of the country’s major political transformation. Therefore, it is a must-see display for everyone interested in Korean art and its evolution in modern times. The Fine Art Shippers team has already visited this amazing exhibition but will be happy to do it again in the framework of visiting the Corporate Partner Event held by the Philadelphia Museum of Art in December.