Do’s and Don’ts of Buying Moving Gloves

Do’s and Don’ts of Buying Moving Gloves

Want to handle art like a professional? You might consider buying moving gloves. How to choose a pair for yourself? Find out on our blog!

The skin on your hands is a flourishing colony for all sorts of metabolic wastes, including oils, salts, and moisture. All these elements are mostly harmless in daily life, but when it comes to art, even a tiny bit of them can cause some knotty problems in the long run. That is why you often see art handlers and museum movers wearing white gloves. Running ahead of time, it should be said that some of those slick presentations are just fiction, and yet some other cases are a necessary measure. Let’s see what makes moving gloves important and what you should pay attention to when buying a pair for yourself.

How to Choose Moving Gloves: Do’s and Don’ts

Don’t ignore the characteristics of gloves

If you are looking for quality and durable gloves, you need to be selective and analyze every pair individually. Never ignore characteristics such as glove thickness, abrasiveness, and material. This will help you find the gloves of the best value for money.

Do pay attention to the brand of the product

Moving gloves are not a hyped product on the market, meaning that brand names will not mean much to you. Quick research can enlighten you and give you clues as to who to trust. You can start with brands such as Selizo, Jisen, Eurow, Cara, and Santinior.

Don’t buy latex or rubber gloves

Powdered rubber and latex gloves are far from a good solution for moving art. Not only can they leave residues that will be deposited on objects, but they can also cause allergic reactions such as asthma.

Do buy nitrile or nylon moving gloves

Latex and rubber gloves are a thing of the past. Nowadays, professionals opt for powder-free nitrile and nylon gloves. They are disposable, chemically neutral, and safe for wearers. Since they come in all shapes and sizes, you are free to choose a pair that best fits your requirements.

Don’t buy gloves to make you feel better

Sometimes people make the mistake of buying gloves with the idea that they can drastically change the handling process. This is not true, especially if you handle art rarely. There is nothing wrong with that, but you will get is just a placebo effect.

To Wrap It All Up

Moving gloves are an essential protective measure for carrying, handling, and installing art. However, they don’t make you a qualified specialist, so if you require a team of logistics professionals wearing gloves, Fine Art Shippers’ white-glove moving service is what you need. Let us help you overcome your art moving problems without getting your hands dirty!