Delivering Art to the Amazing Wright Auction House in Chicago

Delivering Art to the Amazing Wright Auction House in Chicago

Delivering art to Wright in Chicago was a pleasure for our team, and we are happy that we had a chance to work with this auction house.

As you probably know, Fine Art Shippers offers a variety of art shuttle services in the United States. Our shuttles go from New York City to Miami, Washington, DC, Houston, Denver, Los Angeles, Albuquerque, and many other cities throughout the country. One of our most popular destinations is Chicago, a beautiful city located on the southwestern shores of Lake Michigan in Illinois. We go to Chicago every 3-4 weeks, delivering art from the East Coast of the United States for both businesses and individuals. Not so long ago, our art shuttle led us to Wright, an amazing auction house that we highly recommend to anyone looking to buy or sell modern and contemporary design.

Delivering Art to the Amazing Wright Auction House in Chicago

Delivering art to Wright in Chicago was a pleasure for our team, and we are happy that we had an opportunity to work with this amazing auction house. Wright was founded by Richard Wright in 2000 and is located in the West Loop neighborhood of Chicago. This place is also home to Wright Now, an exceptional platform featuring art and design pieces that are available for direct purchase.

Wright is one of the leading auction houses specializing in 20th-century design and art in the United States. Since its foundation, it has sold over 75,000 works, with many important Italian glass and design pieces achieving record results. Known for its outstanding selection of items and a dedicated team of highly qualified researchers, designers, art specialists, and handlers, Wright is indeed a go-to place if you want to sell or buy some quality art and design items.

Delivering art to Wright was a gorgeous experience for Fine Art Shippers, and we hope that we will have another chance to work with this reputable auction house soon.

In case you want to join our next art shuttle New York – Chicago, please feel free to contact our team for details or request a free shipping quote online.