Contemporary Impressionist Paintings by Jessie Edelman

At Fine Art Shippers, we are always ready to ship an oil painting by a talented artist like Jessie Edelman. Her Impressionist art is truly amazing!

It is always a pleasure for Fine Art Shippers to ship an oil painting by a contemporary artist. It does not mean that we never ship Old Master paintings or works by such prominent artists as Pablo Picasso or Marc Chagall. We can ship an oil painting by any artist, and, what is no less important, we can ship an oil painting of any size, even super large artworks that require special handling. However, shipping a painting by a contemporary artist is always a unique experience because you have an opportunity to meet this artist in person and to know more about his or her work. Besides, at Fine Art Shippers, we love contemporary art with all its diverse contexts, approaches, and ideas, and we never miss a chance to tell about truly interesting works by talented artists. This blog post is dedicated to Jessie Edelman and her amazing Impressionist paintings.

Jessie Edelman

Jessie Edelman is an American artist born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1986. She received her BA from Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, NY and her MFA from Yale University in New Haven, CT. Jessie Edelman now lives in New York City where she has her beautiful studio in Brooklyn. This young and talented artist is largely known for her oil paintings that are a somewhat contemporary interpretation of 19th- and 20th-century Impressionist art.

Jessie Edelman is represented by Denny Dimin Gallery in NYC and Andrew Rafacz Gallery in Chicago, but you can find her works at other galleries too.