Shipping a Painting by the Prominent American Artist George Condo

Shipping a Painting by the Prominent American Artist George Condo

Fine Art Shippers had the honor of shipping a painting by George Condo, one of America’s most influential and sought-after living visual artists.

From shipping a painting to the upcoming exhibition to moving a large estate with lots of valuable works of art, Fine Art Shippers is the right fine art shipping company in NYC for any art logistics task. With over 20 years of experience in the field, we are able to handle any shipment quickly and efficiently while providing our clients with the best customer service they deserve. For today, Fine Art Shippers proudly works with many contemporary artists, galleries, auction houses, dealers, collectors, and public institutions, shipping fine art for them around the world. These include paintings, metal and stone sculptures, prints, collages, art installations, and many other works of art. For example, not so long ago, our team had the honor of shipping a painting by the renowned American artist George Condo.

George Condo

George Condo (b. 1957) is one of America’s most influential living artists, who is largely known for his unique figurative paintings. Condo’s ability to combine a comic strip with classic French portraiture has made his works highly sought-after and extremely coveted by art collectors throughout the globe. His distinctive paintings are in many private and public collections, including in some of the world’s leading art institutions, such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Whitney Museum, MoMA, the Corcoran Gallery of Art, and the Albright-Knox Museum. Shipping paintings by such prominent artists as George Condo is always an exciting experience, and we are very thankful that Fine Art Shippers was chosen for this responsible work.

Shipping a painting by George Condo

Fine Art Shippers specializes in shipping paintings and works on paper of any size and value. We pay particular attention to the packing process, using all the necessary art packaging materials to make sure that the artwork is ready for a long-distance move. Our team is also proficient in building durable custom wooden crates designed to the exact dimensions of the transported items. Shipping a painting by George Condo was a pleasure for Fine Art Shippers, and we did our best to protect the artwork throughout the entire process of transportation, from pick-up to the final delivery.

Shipping a painting by George Condo Shipping a painting by George Condo Shipping a painting by George Condo

Whether you need to ship a painting within the state or to another country, please feel free to contact Fine Art Shippers! We offer affordable services of the highest quality to meet the budget of any client, and we would be happy to handle for you any art logistics task, no matter big or small!