Georges Bergès Gallery – A Boutique Fine Art Gallery in New York

How to ship art purchased at the gallery in New York? If you are looking for the best way to get your artwork in its perfect condition, you have come to the right place! Fine Art Shippers has long been working with many art galleries in New York, and we know exactly how to ship art to any destination worldwide safely! Moreover, we are proficient in shipping artwork of any type, from paintings and prints to sculptures and huge art installations, so you can contact Fine Art Shippers with any questions and requests you have. Besides, our team not only knows how to ship art, but we can also give advice on where to find the best art pieces in New York. For instance, have you ever been to Georges Bergès Gallery? This boutique fine art gallery is indeed a great place to look for high-quality contemporary art!

Georges Bergès Gallery

Georges Bergès Gallery is a relatively new art gallery that was opened in the heart of New York City’s Soho neighborhood in 2015. However, it is already a go-to place for both art enthusiasts and serious collectors looking for the best contemporary art from around the world. The fact is that the gallery’s collection features a wide variety of artworks ranging in medium and scale to meet any need and taste, including photography, abstract painting, and sculpture by such talented artists as Kristin Jai Klosterman, Laddie John Dill, Kiichiro Adachi, and Robert Mars. Georges Bergès Gallery is highly recommended by Fine Art Shippers!