Final Frontier Design at the Forefront of Space Travel

Final Frontier Design at the Forefront of Space Travel


A professional art handler is ready for any challenges, even to ship a highly complicated space suit made by Final Frontier Design in Brooklyn, NYC!

What is the relationship between an art handler and space travel? While it might seem that fine art handling and space traveling are two opposing concepts, the truth is that they have much in common. At Fine Art Shippers, we were lucky to verify this when visiting Final Frontier Design in Brooklyn, NYC.

Final Frontier Design

A professional art handler is ready for any fine art packing and shipping challenges. Our team is no exception. At Fine Art Shippers, we are always happy to ship awkward, large, and odd-shaped pieces that require special handling. Moreover, this applies not only to paintings and sculptures but also to many other valuable items, from antique furniture to high-tech space suits like those made at Final Frontier Design. This private space suit design studio founded by Nikolay Moiseev and Ted Southern in 2010 is currently one of the world’s leading developers of safety garments for space tourism and exploration, so it was a real honor for our team to be invited for a personal tour of this amazing company.

Art handler; Final Frontier Design Art handler; Final Frontier Design Art handler; Final Frontier Design Art handler; Final Frontier Design

Each suit made at Final Frontier Design is a complex machine with so much innovative technology and mechanics involved that it can be easily called an art masterpiece. To handle and ship space garments like these is undoubtedly an exciting experience for any art handler!

Art handler; Final Frontier Design

You can learn more about Nikolay Moiseev and his work in a special project titled “Made by Russians,” which was created by the popular beer brand Baltika and the famous journalist Leonid Parfenov.

Art handler; Final Frontier Design