Fine Art Handlers Recommend: Frank Chinea Inguanzo & His Mysterious Artworks

Fine Art Handlers Recommend: Frank Chinea Inguanzo & His Mysterious Artworks

However, what makes Fine Art Shippers unique is our love of art in all its forms. Read on to discover more.

Since 1995, our dedicated team of fine art handlers has been providing art packing and shipping services to artists, dealers, collectors, and all those who want to ensure their valuables and collectibles are properly protected in transit. Moreover, we not only pack and ship fine art – we also offer a variety of other important services, including art installation, storage, and collection management, which makes our art shipping company an irreplaceable assistant in solving any art moving problem.

However, what makes Fine Art Shippers unique is our love of art in all its forms. We visit art exhibitions and gallery openings, keep track of the latest news, and always have something to recommend our clients and friends. Today, let us introduce Frank Chinea Inguanzo, a talented, self-taught Cuban-American artist working in Abstract Expressionism and late Neo-Romanticism!

Frank Chinea Inguanzo

Frank Chinea InguanzoBorn on July 31, 1952, on the island of Cuba, Frank Chinea Inguanzo is one of the most prominent artists of the 21st century, known for his preeminent Abstract Expressionist and Neo-Romantic pastel and oil paintings. He immigrated to the United States after Castro’s Revolution in 1962 and since then has been living and working in Miami. Frank Chinea’s works are all distinguished by a unique artistic style and somewhat mysterious and blurred characters inspired by his own dreams and creative imagination. The artist’s paintings are a reflection of his soul, personal ghosts and muses, experience and self-observation. This all makes Frank Chinea Inguanzo stand out from many other artists of our time.

Behind the artwork

The most important thing about Frank Chinea Inguanzo is that his art emerges from his own experiences, different issues and circumstances he faced through his life’s journey. In other words, this artist extracts his deepest feelings and puts them into his work. Such a dramatic approach to painting and an unusual way to present a subconscious world provoke genuine interest to Frank Chinea’s artworks. Moreover, his stormy views, almost black scenarios, and diluted figures combined with distinctive expressionistic traits make his works pretty recognizable. Each of them is a unique creation with its own life, which is sure to find a response in the soul of every connoisseur of modern and contemporary art.

Our team of fine art handlers is in love with Frank Chinea’s artworks, and we believe that you will love them too!