5 Best Techniques for Safeguarding Your Paintings

5 Best Techniques for Safeguarding Your Paintings

Art isn’t just something to admire from afar; it’s a part of our lives, our history, and our hearts.

Whether it’s a valuable investment, a family heirloom, or a custom paint-by-number masterpiece you’re especially proud of, each painting in your collection deserves to be cherished and protected.

The thing is, safeguarding your art isn’t just about keeping it away from sticky fingers; it involves a whole range of strategies to protect it from environmental hazards, improper handling, and the ravages of time.

Let’s dive into the five best techniques to keep your paintings safe and sound.

1. Proper Framing and Glass Protection

First things first, framing isn’t just about making your art look good; it’s about protection. The right frame can act like a superhero’s shield, guarding against physical damage, dust, and even harmful UV rays. When choosing a frame, think beyond aesthetics.

Go for materials that are kind to your art, like acid-free mats and backing that won’t unleash harmful chemicals over time.

And about glass?

Regular glass might be the default choice, but consider upgrading to UV-protective glass or acrylic.

These materials block those sneaky UV rays that can fade your art before its time. It’s like sunscreen for your paintings, ensuring they stay vibrant for years to come.

2. Climate Control for Art Preservation

Ever noticed how extreme weather makes us humans feel a bit off? Well, paintings are the same. Too humid, and you’ll have mold thinking it’s found a new home. Too dry, and your canvas might start to look more like a prune.

The key is balance. Keeping your art in a space where temperature and humidity levels are stable can make a world of difference.

Think about using air conditioners, dehumidifiers, or even specialized art storage solutions to create the perfect climate.

And a hygrometer?

That’s your new best friend. It’ll help you keep an eye on the environment, making sure it’s just right for your cherished pieces.

3. Proper Lighting Conditions

Let’s talk about the spotlight. While every artist loves their moment in the sun, too much light can spell disaster for paintings.

Direct sunlight and harsh artificial lights can cause colors to fade and materials to deteriorate.

Here’s where LED lights come into play. They’re like the gentle morning sun, providing just enough light without the harmful UV rays. And if you’ve got a custom paint by number like the ones on Number Artist website, which is close to your heart, you’ll want to make sure it’s seen in the best light—figuratively and literally.

Positioning your paintings away from direct sunlight and using curtains or UV-filtering window films can also help protect them from unwanted tan lines.

Remember, it’s all about showing your art in its best light, without letting that light do any damage.

5 Best Techniques for Safeguarding Your Paintings

4. Safe Handling and Transportation

Think of your paintings like VIP guests at a party. You wouldn’t just grab them by the arm and drag them through a crowd, right?

Same goes for when you need to move them. Always wear gloves to avoid transferring oils and dirt, and avoid touching the paint surface.

When it’s time to take your art on a journey, wrap it up nicely in acid-free paper, bubble wrap, and a sturdy crate. And don’t forget about insurance.

It’s not just for cars and houses; it can be a lifesaver if your valuable artwork decides to take a little detour on its way to its new home.

5. Regular Maintenance and Cleaning

Last but definitely not least, let’s talk upkeep. Keeping your paintings clean is crucial, but there’s a fine line between cleaning and damaging.

Forget about household cleaners; a soft, dry brush or a microfiber cloth is all you need to dust off the surface gently. And if your painting looks like it needs more than just a light dusting, call in the pros.

Professional conservators can do wonders, restoring your art to its former glory without risking damage. Regular check-ups for signs of wear and tear can also help catch any issues early, ensuring your art stays in tip-top shape.

Wrap Up

Art is more than just decoration; it’s a story, a memory, and, sometimes, a piece of our soul.

Taking the time to properly safeguard your paintings means preserving those stories for generations to come. It’s not just about maintaining value; it’s about holding onto the moments that matter.

So, wrap them up, keep them cool, light them right, handle them with care, and keep them clean. Your paintings are a part of your legacy.

Treat them well, and they’ll keep telling your story, long after the paint has dried.