The Palm Beach Show 2024, also known as The Palm Beach Jewelry, Art & Antique Show, has come to an end after six consecutive days of showcasing the best works of art, antiques, and luxury items to the global public. Fine Art Shippers had an amazing opportunity to not only meet many outstanding artists but also spend almost a week surrounded by robust creative energy. This was our third time at The Palm Beach Show as an onsite shipper, and we are grateful to have been part of this amazing event.
The Palm Beach Show 2024: Highlights
The Palm Beach Show 2024 impressed us with its selection of artworks and antiques. This year, several galleries stood out from the crowd by presenting works by renowned Impressionist artists, such as Eduardo León Garrido, Henri Lebasque, and Pierre-Auguste Renoir. They were exhibited right next to delicate antique vases, elegant armor, and luxurious jewelry displays, which created an opulent and solemn atmosphere.
Smith-Davidson Gallery brought an impressive collection of contemporary artworks by established artists. Amon them was a colorful piece by Zhuang Hong Yi, a master of three-dimensional application.
One also cannot go without mentioning a unique stainless steel sculpture by Ayay who was represented by EG Gallery.
Cavalier Gallery presented an iteration of the beloved bronze ballerina hippo by the famous Danish artist Bjorn Skaarup.
Last but not least, we had a wonderful opportunity to meet the talented artist and designer Diana Dorozhkina who showed her out-of-this-world mixed-media sculpture.
Choose Fine Art Shippers for Your Next Art Show
Florida is one of Fine Art Shippers' most frequent destinations. Apart from collaborating with The Palm Beach Jewelry, Art & Antique Show, we serve artists, collectors, and galleries, helping them deliver artworks and antiques without a hassle. Our company guarantees the safety of your precious possessions at every step of the way, no matter your location. Wherever you are, we will happily assist you with anything related to fine art logistics.
Fine Art Shippers had a great time at The Palm Beach Show. We are extremely grateful for the chance to be part of this reputable event as an onsite shipper. Working together with other art lovers to make a vision come to life is an indescribable feeling, and we are already looking forward to coming back next year.