The Best Museums to See Antique Transport Around the World

The Best Museums to See Antique Transport Around the World

Museums house not only works of art. There are also museums of natural history, cinema, space, and even bread like the one in the small city of Ulm. And, of course, there are museums of vintage and antique transport, which are well-known among children and adults who are interested in technology and love industrial aesthetics. 

Which Museums to Visit to See Antique Transport?

1. The Studebaker National Museum, South Bend, Indiana

The Conestoga wagon used by American pioneers, sleek vintage cars, and a wide variety of Studebaker military vehicles can all be seen at the Studebaker National Museum. It also has a unique collection of US presidential carriages, including the barouche that President Lincoln rode on the night of his assassination. This item was purchased by Clement Studebaker, the founder of H & C Studebaker, as a symbol of his business in 1915.

2. The German Museum of Technology, Berlin

This museum has perhaps the largest collection of antique transport in Germany. The exposition covers the history of railway transport, aviation, and navigation. The oldest exhibits date back to the first half of the 19th century and include a riverboat called Kaffenkahn. The installation of museum items is also significant: the highlights of the collection are hung in the 4-story hall so that you can see them from all sides when you go up to the next floor. It’s easy to find this museum in the city: its building is topped by a real US Air Force Douglas C-47B.

3. The Imperial Carriage Museum, Vienna

If all the above-mentioned exhibits are not so antique for you, there is a special museum in Vienna, Austria, for your taste. It houses a collection of richly gilded and ornate baroque carriages that once belonged to the rulers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and their families. The building of the museum is also worth visiting: it is the famous Schönbrunn Palace with amazing interiors and a beautiful garden.

4. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

There are not many ancient transportation items that survived, but scholars reconstruct them on the basis of pictures and sculptures. The most famous example is the ancient Egyptian boats. Looking at the models of paddle boats on display in museums such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, it is easy to imagine what transportation was like for the Egyptians more than 4,000 years ago.

Even if you are not a fan of antique transport, these museums are sure to melt your heart with their spectacular displays and breathtaking stories behind their collections. Enjoy!