How Do You Maintain a Collection of Art? Essential Steps

How Do You Maintain a Collection of Art? Essential Steps

Maintaining a collection of art is a demanding process with many routine activities involved. Here are the main steps you should follow.

Some collectors tend to think that all they have to do is purchase the artwork and find a place for it in their home. However, the process of art management only starts at that point. Any collection of art should be appropriately maintained for the sake of your assets’ preservation. Here are the main steps you will need to take in the process of maintenance.

Maintenance Records

With the help of modern collection management tools, you may create and update comprehensive maintenance records. The database should include data about what type of maintenance happened, who performed the work, and how much you paid for it. Textual information should be accompanied by files, such as invoices for the maintenance work, images of the artwork before and after maintenance, and important notes from the conservator.

Maintenance Scheduling for Your Collection of Art

The art management system should send you preliminary alerts about the scheduled maintenance events so that you can arrange the proper time for the procedure with a conservator. The alerts should be sent to all members of the collection management team to ensure accountability and allow you not to miss important maintenance dates.

Maintenance Record Tracking

A user-friendly maintenance system should allow you to create and download maintenance reports with cost-tracking data. This way, you will have a separate file for every work of art, ensuring that it receives the needed attention and conservation in time. By singling out every artwork into a separate file, you can perform customized tracking by a specific set of criteria. For example, you may track the price dynamics for particular art types, artists, and techniques to understand which part of your art collection is appreciating in monetary value and which one is losing relevance and demand.

Tools That May Aid Your Maintenance Efforts

  • An advanced cataloging system to keep all records in one place and make them universally accessible from various devices.
  • Comprehensive reports for insurance providers, loan records, and accounting purposes.
  • Daily system backups for protecting all information about your collection.
  • Automated sales, invoicing, and bookkeeping tools that can streamline payment management and processing.
  • An integrated CRM for optimal contact management.
  • A modern database for provenance tracking.

With these activities and tools, you are sure to maintain your collection of art like a pro. Don’t underestimate the importance of proper maintenance, as it’s your investment in the orderly, timely management of your precious belongings.