Custom Bookbinding Services from is the best place for any bookbinding needs in NYC. Shipping books for such a great company is a pleasure for Fine Art Shippers.

In addition to moving fine art, Fine Art Shippers is also proficient in packing and shipping books of any kind and in any condition, including antique and very rare items. This allows us to serve museums, historical societies, cultural centers, book stores, and dealers, shipping books for them across the country and internationally. For example, we are happy to work with, a New York City-based studio offering an array of custom bookbinding services and more. is the best place in New York City if you are looking for affordable bookbinding services of premium quality. Moreover, this company is one of only a few remaining bookbinding businesses with such a wide array of services in New York, which makes it a unique one in the industry. Besides, all work is never outsourced to any third parties and is done exclusively at location on 38th Street, NYC. represents a team of highly skilled binders, graphic artists, printers, and writers, who have over two decades of experience in the field. These guys work with all materials, including cloth and leather, and can handle absolutely any project, from classic French bookbinding to Thesis and corporate documents binding. Plus, offers professional book repair, book restoration, editing, publishing, graphic design, and printing services of the highest quality.

Shipping books for such companies as is a pleasure for Fine Art Shippers, and we are very grateful for the trust they place in us. We hope to be of service to again in the future!