Agnieszka Ceccarelli and Her Amazing Abstract Paintings

Agnieszka Ceccarelli and Her Amazing Abstract Paintings

Shipping large paintings is an art by itself, especially when it comes to works by such prominent contemporary artists as Agnieszka Ceccarelli.

At Fine Art Shippers, we do enjoy shipping large paintings by contemporary artists. Moreover, we are so lucky to work with Vladimir Nazarov, Tigran Tsitoghdzyan, and many other prominent artists creating impressive works in various painting techniques. Shipping large paintings like that is an art by itself, and our team has mastered it as a science! In this blog post, we want to tell you about one more talented artist creating amazing large-scale works you are sure to love. Please welcome Agnieszka Ceccarelli, a Polish artist known for her fantastic paintings inspired by nature!

Agnieszka Ceccarelli is a Polish contemporary artist who is currently living and working in Rome, Italy. This incredibly beautiful woman is a true postmodern genius, whose eye-catching abstract paintings are exhibited around the world. In particular, Agnieszka’s works appeared at the World Wide Art Show 2017 at Caelum Gallery in New York, Biennale Austria in Vienna, “Forma e Leggiadria” exhibition at Arte Borgo Gallery in Rome, Carrousel du Louvre Art Fair in Paris, and many other important international exhibitions and shows. Besides, Agnieszka Ceccarelli’s work “Delusa” won the first prize at the International Art Award “Friendship” Exhibition at the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Rome last year. You can enjoy this and some other abstract paintings by this talented artist in the video below.

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Shipping large paintings like these beautiful works by Agnieszka Ceccarelli is an honor for any fine art shipping company, so we are looking forward to the opportunity to work with this prominent Polish artist!