Best Artwork Management Blogs and Websites for Your Inspiration

Best Artwork Management Blogs and Websites for Your Inspiration

Artwork management is a vibrant and diverse professional area with many nuances and peculiarities. There’s always something happening in the art industry, and artwork managers have to stay tuned to the latest industry changes and trends. How can you keep pace with the fast lane of the art world? Here are a couple of resources with regular updates and insightful materials.

Top 5 Artwork Management Blogs You May Study

If you’re looking for relevant data, recent news, and the latest trends in the world of art management, here are the top-rated blogs and websites to bookmark for regular visits.

#1 The Artful Manager

This is a blog by Andrew Taylor, a world-known art manager, where he shares first-hand experience and insights about the business of arts and culture. The blog dwells on many hidden aspects of arts and culture administration from a business perspective, which may guide beginner managers in scoping their duties and finding their business niche.

#2 International Arts Manager

This international magazine is a meeting place for performing arts professionals, which can help an art manager with a focus on performance art hone their skills and embrace the heartbeat of the industry. You can find exclusive news coverage, interviews with creatives and arts administrators, and presentations of emerging voices in this art field.

#3 Technology in the Arts

Art is evolving together with the rest of the world, and digital art has also taken a deserved place among other artistic fields and niches today. The best place to learn about technology-inspired art is the Technology in the Arts blog, featuring informative pieces about NFT art, decentralized technologies, and other innovations.

#4 Fine Art Shippers

Our blog contains many valuable materials about all practical aspects of art management, from storage to shipping and installation of art items. Fine Art Shippers is a full-service provider of art shipping, storage, packaging, and handling solutions, which is a vital part of an art manager’s activities.

#5 The Art Blog by Artwork Archive

Artwork Archive is one of the best-known blogs about art, with extensive coverage of art career tips, emerging and established artists’ collection displays, interviews with creatives, art marketing and business highlights, tips for pricing and selling art, and legal/insurance guidelines for art owners, managers, and producers.

With these websites and blogs, you’re sure to gain much more insight into the profession and the latest artwork management trends. Go through the suggested resources to find the most valuable and relevant ones.