
Fragile Items Packaging: A Handy Guide for Cautious Art Owners

The process of fragile items packaging is not as easy as you might expect. The complexity around this procedure is to make sure that all risks and nuances are taken seriously, without guesswork or experimentation. You are the owner of precious, rare art objects, and...

Luxury Estate Moving: How to Ensure a Stress-Free Experience?

Luxury estate moving is different from regular moving in many ways. Since the cumulative value of possessions in an expensive estate is much higher, one has to pay special attention to their safety. Besides, valuables from estates are often sold at auctions, meaning they might...

International Fine Art Shipping: Things to Do and to Avoid

International fine art shipping may seem more challenging than a cross-country move: different requirements, unfamiliar customs regulations, and even a different language, all play a huge role in the process. However, not everything is so difficult if you hire trusted experts, but it's still good...

How to Ship Antiques Safely? Tips and Guidelines for Collectors

Antique furniture, kitchenware, textiles, ceramics, and other works of art are extremely fragile and delicate objects. They are old and vulnerable to external impact, so in most cases, they are stored in specific conditions. That’s why you need to hire a properly trained team of...

Books That Can Help Fine Art Movers Expand Their Expertise

Fine art movers are the key persons involved in the preservation of the precious cultural heritage of humanity. It’s pretty scary to recollect all the dreadful instances of permanent loss and damage of rare, unique cultural objects because of careless handling or harmful packaging materials....

Revolutionizing Packaging Solutions with Mill Packaging

Welcome to the exciting world of packaging, where innovation meets efficiency, and Mill Packaging takes center stage. In this guest post, we'll embark on a journey exploring the fascinating realm of packaging solutions, with a particular focus on how Mill Packaging is redefining industry standards....

Surrealist Photographs by Hui Long Challenge Social Norms

Photography is more than just an exact copy of our reality. Notable artists and photographers like Gertrud Arndt and Cindy Sherman are known for using this medium to create provocative works that challenge preconceived notions of what reality looks like and even end up changing...

Art Handling Companies in NYC: What Services to Expect?

First of all, who is an art handler? This is a person who takes care of the artwork and museum artifacts to ensure their safety. They play an indispensable role in the preparation of exhibitions, both indoor and outdoor. Some of them are employed by...
