Fine Art Shippers Met the Israeli Artist Ron Agam in Jerusalem

Fine Art Shippers Met the Israeli Artist Ron Agam in Jerusalem

As a fine art logistics company that has been in the business for over twenty-five years, we place extreme value in the partners and friends we have made along the way. Fine Art Shippers is immensely grateful for the opportunity to meet some of the most outstanding people in the art world. One of them is the legendary Israeli artist Ron Agam, whom we had the honor of meeting in Jerusalem.

Fine Art Shippers Met the Israeli Artist Ron Agam in Jerusalem

To many, Ron Agam is known as a fine art photographer first and an artist second. However, his painting career is no less impressive than his photography career. In the past several years, Agam has found a new interest in painting and has grown a massive collection of art since.

Raised between France and Israel his whole life, Ron Agam came to New York in the 1980s to pursue his passion. He ended up founding an art press, opening a gallery in SoHo, and releasing his monograph At the Wall, which earned worldwide acclaim for the in-depth but sensitive exploration of the daily lives of highly religious Jewish communities residing near the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

Another work that defined Agam’s career as a photographer was created under tragic circumstances. In 2001, he took over 1,200 powerful photographs documenting the aftermath of the attack on September 11, which are now part of the permanent collection of the 9/11 Memorial Museum.

After experiencing a depressive episode in 2010, Ron Agam reinvented himself from the ground up and returned to the art world as a completely new person and artist. Spending almost entire days in his studio, he created hundreds of artworks in a variety of mediums. Among some of the artist’s best-known pieces are kinetic constructions, echoing the work of his father, the famous kinetic artist Yaacov Agam.

Ron Agam’s journey as a creative and his attitude toward life and art are awe-inspiring. Meeting this amazing Israeli artist near the Western Wall, especially considering how important this location is to him, was a great pleasure for our team. Fine Art Shippers is beyond grateful for the opportunity to talk to this legendary figure in the art world. We wish nothing but the best to Ron Agam and hope to see more of his work soon.