Why Expert Art Storage Services Are a Go-To Option for Galleries

Why Expert Art Storage Services Are a Go To Option for Galleries

Most temporary art shows go through the same cycle: installation, exhibition, and deinstallation. But what happens after that? Some bigger galleries have onsite art storage facilities where they keep works of art until it’s their turn to be displayed again or until they get sold to a client or loaned to another gallery or institution. However, not all art galleries can afford to have a dedicated space for art storage. Thus, professional fine art storage services play a crucial role in the world of art and culture.

Why Expert Art Storage Services Are a Go-To Option for Galleries

Art storage services are not something that appeared yesterday. In fact, professional art storage companies have existed for decades. Their clients are private collectors, artists, galleries, and museums. But apart from a lack of space, why do art businesses keep opting for professional help?

First, fine art storage facilities do not simply provide space to keep your art collection. They also make sure that all necessary conditions required for art preservation are maintained at all times. It is not a secret that artwork can suffer immense danger from being exposed to moisture or extreme temperatures. Specialized art storage facilities are equipped with technology allowing them to keep humidity and temperature at levels within the range prescribed by industry standards.

Regular maintenance checks are a requirement at specialized art storage facilities, so galleries do not need to worry about their valuables being left without supervision. Vigilant experts take notice of any leaking pipes, dust accumulation, and changes in temperature and humidity levels and take action immediately.

To further ensure the safety of items in storage, all art storage facilities integrate various security systems, such as anti-theft systems, CCTV cameras, and smoke detectors. They are also monitored 24/7 by trained staff.

Another important part of any art storage service is the people who perform it. Art storage companies employ expert art handlers with years of experience in fine art transportation, packing, and installation. They can pick up entire collections from galleries and move them to storage facilities where they will ensure that all valuables are stored according to industry standards.

No matter if you are a private collector or a gallery owner, a professional fine art storage service can help you find an optimal solution to any issues related to art collection management you might have. Contact art logistics companies in your area to learn how you can benefit from working with a fine art storage company.