Fine Art Shipping Service in the US: Collecting Works by Richard Haas

Fine Art Shipping Service in the US Collecting Works by Richard Haas

Fine Art Shippers gets to work with creatives from all walks of life, from promising emerging talents to established world-renowned artists who have already become household names in the United States. Besides, our location in New York City gives us unique opportunities to meet and provide our art shipping services to some of the most important artists of today. We are particularly excited to share that we have recently collected artworks by the highly acclaimed American muralist Richard Haas, which will soon be delivered to Texas by our art shuttle.

Fine Art Shipping Service in the US: Collecting Works by Richard Haas

Richard Haas has been passionate about architecture since the very beginning of his artistic career. In the 1960s, he made miniature dioramas of room interiors of famous artists and tiny models of New York buildings. The artist later took his talent to a larger scale and started creating murals in his signature trompe-l’œil style. Haas’ love for the urban landscape and everything about it translates into every medium he explores, from prints depicting American street views to panoramic paintings.

Every single one of Richard Haas’ pieces is imbued with a profound knowledge of architectural principles, which he uses to create outstanding realistic murals. The artist can reveal the potential of simple architectural structures and turn them into masterpieces. Some of Haas’ most famous works include the breathtaking, large-scale exterior murals he did for the Boston Architectural College and the Oregon Historical Society. The world’s biggest collection of his murals can be currently found in Homewood, Illinois, where Richard Haas created his first piece in the 1980s.

Fine Art Shipping Service in the US: Collecting Works by Richard Haas

This week, Fine Art Shippers had the pleasure of collecting Richard Haas’ artworks from New York. We are currently preparing to send our art shuttle on a new journey to Texas, so the pieces by the famous artist will soon be delivered to their new home.

Fine Art Shippers’ art shuttle service

Many artists, collectors, and art institutions across the US agree that Fine Art Shippers’ art shipping service is the best way to transport fragile items. Our cross-country art shuttles are leaving very soon, so hurry up and contact us to book a spot for your valuables.