
The Worst and the Best Way to Ship High-Value Items

Value is what makes things meaningful, imbues words with importance, and transforms even the most mundane things into treasure. However, when it comes to the material world, every object can instantly lose its value when damaged or destroyed. Condition and integrity are two indispensable components...

Moving Fine Art and Antiques in Australia

There are many steps involved in moving your fine art and antiques to a different location. They can be incredibly valuable and require special care and precautions. Here are some tips for packing your high-value possessions and ensuring they're safe during transit. Taking the time...

How Does the Choice of Materials Influence Art Packaging?

Art packaging serves many roles: protection, security, convenience, finance management, etc. The more valuable the freight, the more stringent packing rules and regulations are. Over the years, people have developed highly effective practices allowing shippers to provide safety to the most delicate items, whether they...

Things Professional Antique Movers Will Never Do

Every respected expert in their field has a set of professional rules and red lines they never cross, no matter what. Discipline directly influences an employee’s productivity and hence becomes a vital component of successful work. Antique movers are not unique in this sense. They...

Key Success Factors of Art Shipping Companies in 2022

These days, success can be subject to a halo effect, when people misinterpret some characteristics and parameters as such leading to prosperity. That’s why the understanding of what makes a successful logistics company is often blurred. “Why does it even matter?” you may ask. Well,...

We Offer Art Transportation Services in Naples, Florida

East Coast art shuttle is one of the principal reasons for our shipping company to be proud of its services. With regular trips from New York to Florida, we can deliver paintings, prints, collectibles, and rare antiques quickly and effectively without any risk to freight...

The 5-Step Guide to Shipping Oil Paintings to Another City

What is similar between New York City and Chicago, Miami and Dallas, and Los Angeles and Portland? You are absolutely right: these are the distances that freight should cover to get from one city to another. In practice, the length of the trip is half...

Happy Labor Day & How to Secure Artwork before Shipping

Ahead of the Labor Day weekend, we want to thank you for your trust and appreciation of our art shipping services. At Fine Art Shippers, we do our best to make your job easier. Whether you are an artist, collector, gallery owner, or museum manager,...
