Leigh Morse Fine Arts Gallery in New York

Did you know that there are more than a thousand galleries in New York and each of them is unique in its own way? Besides, there are more than a thousand professional dealers who offer truly exceptional pieces of art and antiques. At Fine Art Shippers, we are very happy to be part of this amazing world and work with so many art business professionals in NYC. However, there is nothing like helping collectors from all over the globe get their precious acquisitions home! Our team can pick up art from any place, properly pack it, and finally ship art to the client’s location safely and securely. Moreover, Fine Art Shippers can give advice on where to purchase high-quality art and antiques in NYC. For example, Leigh Morse Fine Arts located on the Upper East Side is a good choice to start a search!

Leigh Morse Fine Arts

Leigh Morse Fine Arts is a small but very beautiful gallery specializing in 20th-century, modern, and contemporary art. Its selection includes paintings, photographs, and sculptures by Lennart Anderson, Fanny Brennan, Dorothy Dehner, Arthur Dove, Alex Katz, Elie Nadelman, Fairfield Porter, Robert Kulicke, William Zorach, and other renowned American artists. Plus, Leigh Morse Fine Arts also features a wonderful selection of works by many international artists, including Josef Sudek and Heinz Lechner.

If you need any art handling or shipping help, please feel free to contact Fine Art Shippers! We will deliver any piece of art for you quickly and on time!